Aizu-Ryu Kobu-jutsu Demonstration
[Watch on YouTube]
Kobujutsu lessons are comprised of the following:
Free Sparring
Session Information
15 years up, 19:30-21:00, £6
Aizu-ryu as a style covers both unarmed Aiki-jujutsu and armed Kobu-jutsu. The weapons used in Kobu-jutsu are the traditional samurai arms with three distinct styles known as Ken-jutsu, the art of fencing with traditional Japanese swords, Batto-jutsu, the art of drawing and cutting in a singular fast action and Jo-jutsu, the art of fighting with staff weapons such as long and short staffs, spears and glaives. Techniques are practiced is pre-arranged two-man fighting sets called Kata before moving onto free practice with sparring weapons.
Weapon training enhances the empty-handed martial arts by improving hand-eye coordination, timing, speed and body conditioning as well as maintaining a sense of tradition in regard to the origin of the martial art.