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Hardship training is held twice a year to capitalise on the extremities of the local whether in both the Summer and the Winter. The concept behind the high and low temperature hardship is to condition ourselves not only in the physical aspect through intense exertion, but to also toughen our mental and spiritual resolve thereby engendering the ability to continue even past the point of energy depletion.


On June 25th 2015, we held our Summer Hardship which is comprised of training rigourously in pervasive heat. To increase the temperature, the dojo is sealed with the heating on with all practitioners advised to where an extra layer of clothing beneath their gi. By its very nature, the demands on the body are heavily augmented versus a regular training session, forcing the practitioners to their physical limits in a much shorter time span. It is by reaching this point and pushing ourseves to continue that we individually redress our limitations and further increase our capacity to operate in abnormal environmental conditions. It cannot be understated how much of a toll hardship training takes on those involved, but through it we become stronger both individually and collectively.

Well done to those who participated and persevered in the 2015 Summer Hardship, it is through your dedication that we can have pride in our Kenpo.

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