Tegumi Course | 19 Feb 2017
Location | Tiger & Dragon Academy, Winsford
Time | 10:00 - 15:00
Age | 14 years+
Cost | Junior: £10, Senior: £20
The Tegumi course will cover traditional close combat/grappling applications from the Ryukyu kenpo forms. These are very similar to Jujutsu and Aikido in application, but also contain a greater degree of striking.
The techniques will contain not only realistic workable movements for self protection and combat but also include information on nerve attacks, bone breaking and muscle attacking as contained in the original forms of kata such as Saifa, Seiunchin, Seipai, Wanshu and Passai to name just a few.
The course will be run by Sensei Edward Clare - 6th Dan Modern Kenpo, 5th Dan Jujutsu - and is a must for all karate and jujutsu students.