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Aizu-Ryu Aiki-Jujutsu | Intermediate Techniques
Our most recent video feature looks at some more advanced techniques from the Aizu-Ryu Aiki-Jujutsu syllabus. Demonstrated are defenses...
EVENT COMPLETE | Hung Gar Kung-fu Session
We were privileged to have Sifu Howard Ward-Dutton teach Hung-Gar kung-fu on August 25th 2015 at the Tiger and Dragon Academy: Hung-Gar...
Upcoming Events At MKKA
There is a lot happening in the near future here at the Modern Kenpo Karate Association. We'll disclose more information as we're able to...
Kenpo Principles Workshop | September 6th 2015
Location: Tiger and Dragon Academy | Time: 10am-2pm | Price: £15 On the 6th of September, we are planning on holding a workshop based on...
Find Our New Sign Outside of Our Dojo
We've finally made a much-needed step in increasing our visual presence at street-level with our brand new sign: If you see it outside of...
MKKA Impressions | Rode Heath Traditional Karate
In this edition of MKKA Impressions, we speak with Sensei Dan Richardson of Rode Heath Traditional Karate about his school and its...
MKKA Impressions | Kenpo
In the most recent MKKA Impressions, we talk to one of our newest students, Marcus about his introduction to Kenpo Karate and the first...
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